Summary X Show Notes

Britain C. Griffin & Joel Hinton

Honorable Mentions:

Jeff Goldblum The Fly

Britain’s Tourrette’s


[INTRO MUSIC]    00:00:00

I’ll tell you right now, unless we can be successful in creating a where the American people get different viewpoints. Other than those expressed in the establishment controlled media, there’s willing to be a civil war in this country and it’s going to come soon. The only thing that can stop it is by waking up bad amounts of sleeping people, following the Judas goat, right. To get to the sharing and go to the slaughter. Not to know that anything is wrong.

Joel    00:00:36

All right. Fucking gold pony boy

Britain    00:00:41

And welcome to beard and brain podcast. Where we interest.. We’re we, shit. Fuck it. We’re already fucked.

Joel    00:00:51

You already lied anyways, because you’re going to say we interview interesting people and it’s not a fact right now.

Britain    00:00:57

No, it’s definitely not a fact. Let’s, uh, let’s go on and tell you guys what happened. Uh, we had a guest scheduled and through some learning curve and technical difficulties, we will not be able to have that guest, uh, for episode two. So it’s going to be yours truly, the host, running this one. And we’ve got the, uh, guests coming back on next week, uh, hopefully to, uh, to, to do this episode that we had planned for you today. Um…

Joel    00:01:23

Yeah. Ultimately it’s your loss? Not ours.

Britain    00:01:28

Yes. I think, uh, definitely your loss. Um, but I won’t go into detail too much about that. I want to save it all for the pod next week when she comes on. So, um, anyways, welcome to beard and brain podcast. Uh, episode number two. We’ll call this one “Fuckery”… or whatever.

Joel    00:01:50

I don’t know if we can call it “Fuckery”. We’ll have to call it something more, like, “PG” that way it’ll actually show up…

Britain    00:01:56

Okay. Alright. More PG. Uh, what about “The Fuckining”?

[Laughter]    00:02:03

[That’s not more PG!]    00:02:06

Joel    00:02:07

We’ll just get on to… We’ll just get on to some type of click bait and put in “Jeff Goldblum The Fly”.

Britain    00:02:14

Jeff Goldblum McFly?

Joel    00:02:18

Well, yeah, because you know, the whole Pence debate thing last night, where everybody is like more focused on the fly on Pence’ head than anything else.

Britain    00:02:25

That’s right, dude. And you know what, and I hate to say this guys, but I’m, I’m very unprepared. I did not watch that debate last night.

Joel    00:02:34

Oh I didn’t watch either and I, I garren-damn-tee you, majority of the country did it because you know, like guys last week they set the bar for political debates, Trump and Biden. That shit was pure entertainment…

Britain    00:02:50

I one hundred percent agree.

Joel    00:02:53

No one was going to watch the vice presidential debate because Kamala Harris and Pence are just not fucking interesting people and they are boring. That’s why the fly was more important than Pence his head.

Britain    00:03:06

Honestly, I didn’t, I’m not even think about that. I, uh, I don’t know though. I feel like a lot more people watch that debate than they did the other one. So they, they say one thing and do another, maybe they did one debate and lied about it. I don’t know.

Joel    00:03:28

I don’t know. Like, I think like, to me, like those two are more divisive than the actual two main people running. Cause, Kamala Harris has an insane prosecution record and then, Pence is Pence. I mean, dude was like, I don’t even know anything about them. I just remember he was like some type of evangelical guy. That’s like anti-everything.

[Inaudible]    00:03:55

Britain    00:03:59

Yeah. That’s literally all they’re talking about is that fly landed on his head. But if you want dude, you know what, I’ll take advantage of the situation here that we’re having. Since we’re kind of on that theme today, Thursday, October, what? Eighth… Supposed to be serendipity day… Um, [Yeah] so much for that, um, fly lands on Mike Pence has had during the VP debate for two minutes, the fly up is apparently on his head for two minutes. So, the New York Times is reporting this. So that’s what we’ve come to. And, uh, Trump’s America. A fly set a top Mike Pence’ head for two minutes.

Joel    00:04:38

It is our America, it is the social media America.

Britain    00:04:43

Im down with it though

Joel    00:04:44

We love fucking clickbait. That’s just all there is to it.

Britain    00:04:49

Right? So, New York Times reports, “President Trump’s handling of the country was the elephant in the room during Wednesday’s vice-president debate. But it was a fly taking a brief break from flying that couldn’t be ignored by viewers watching the event from home”. That’s the paragraph, that’s the sentence they lead with.

[Laughter]    00:05:09

Britain    00:05:10

Yeah, dude. I mean, what else would a fly take a break from? Like, let’s go through the options real fast what else a fly could be taking a break from and go!


Britain    00:05:23


Joel    00:05:26

The New York times is such a piece of shit.

Britain    00:05:28

Uh, yeah.

Joel    00:05:33

So anyways… Ultimately…

Britain    00:05:35

I’m willing to dive into that, dude. I swear.


Joel    00:05:39


Britain    00:05:41

Why would a fly land on him for two minutes? You know what? Alright, so flies and maggots. They thrive on yes. Decaying dead matter, decaying matter in general, it doesn’t really matter what matter. Um, but honestly, is he dead, dude? He’s probably a lizard person.

Joel    00:06:04

Man, I don’t know David Icke, I ain’t about that life. I think, David Icke, since we’re just going to go on in the fucking babbling now. Um, but David Icke is, I don’t think I could ever take the whole reptilian theory seriously because of David. Cus’ that bitch is just bat shit crazy.

Britain    00:06:26

Ah, dude, I don’t know. I think like, my opinion with that and many of those other theories is kinda like uh, I don’t know, you can have many different interpretations of it. Kind of like the Bible and other things. A lot of people are saying it’s one way or saying it the other way. Some people say take it, literally. Some people say it’s a story based on, you know, true events and somebody’s depiction, blah, blah, blah. I think that, when he says reptilian people, I think he probably, what he really means, but doesn’t want you to kind of know what it means. It’s just people that think more left brain or like really fucking low vibrational, um, reptilian brain, you know, very instinctual, very fight or flight, very, um, survival mode. You know, it’s very, I don’t know

Joel    00:07:17

So in the definition though… That very much aligns with the whole “woke” concept.

Britain    00:07:24

Ah, God damnit!

Joel    00:07:27

It does though. It’s like legit.

Britain    00:07:29

I don’t want to fucking do that. So…


Britain    00:07:36

David Icke

Joel    00:07:36

I am not always going to be the person. I just disagree with everything. I am the ultimate troll and you know, things have to make complete stoic sense for me to be able to actually back something in 98% of the things that I encounter in life aren’t that…

Britain    00:07:59

So what you’re saying is, is you’re not in the belief that “reptilians are reported reptilian, humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy science fiction, ufology and conspiracy theories popularized by David Ike.” You don’t believe that?

Joel    00:08:16


Britain    00:08:16

Now I’m reading from the Wikipedia page here. I don’t know shit about this really. So I got a brushing up.

Joel    00:08:21

Oh really….? You mention Reptilians…

Britain    00:08:23

I, I mean, lightly. I mean lightly just because like when I heard that and I’ve seen it on videos, I’m talking about that. I always, when you say reptilian and you relate it to somebody as far as a person or the way of thinking, I think psychology, I think of, okay, it’s really dumbed down basic…

Joel    00:08:41

Okay so yeah, yeah, so that makes complete sense

Britain    00:08:42

I don’t know why, but that’s just where I go, because those urges they’re feeding into like these people that are talking about the, I guess, lizard people are eating people and drinking their blood. Like those urges that you would have thinking on that dimension or vibration would be similar to that too, I think. They’re very instinctual driven, like sexual drive and you know, food I got to eat and then survival things like that. I think that’s very left brain and reptilian minded.

Joel    00:09:10

Right, I’m onto the whole idea that idea that, you know, I don’t, is there a possibility that some of these groups or elites or what the fuck ever exist? Sure. Probably. But as far as like anything that has any type of underlying tale, that there is like some type of mass group organization being-cat… I don’t know what the hell they are. Any of those things that are just connected throughout the entire modern society and you know, plotting all the evil in the world. I just don’t believe any of that exists because I’ve just, I have dealt with a lot of people and I’ve met a lot of people around from different areas. For the most part, people were good in and the people that are in power are usually lazy idiots. And if you ever try and managing a handful of people, it’s just so difficult as far as on a personal level, like on a high end level, like a manufacturing type of thing. Yeah. You’re just manufacturing robots and whatnot. But if to have a huge collective of people that are trying to run things, I don’t think that they’d be able to ever do that successfully because people are greedy and they’re dumb as shit. And when power gets in the way they usually mess it up, you really only have like two people in control if that was the thing.

Britain    00:10:44

Yeah. Either of them could be right. I, I like that because… you kind of question everything. Gives you the luxury of not having to create a golden rule and pencil yourself in on one theory or another. So it’s pretty smart, and, also, a lot more mysterious, a lot more. Um, I would say it opens you up to be educated a lot more. So you’re going to keep poking holes and different things and allow yourself to have different viewpoints. You know, sometimes within minutes, you know, it’s, it’s a lot it’s intense, but you know, it beats the alternative of creating a golden rule and then being proven wrong or, or being, you know, hung out to dry for it.

Joel    00:11:33

Well, man, I think it’s all purpose. I like that whole idea and experience of life is to be proved wrong like daily. Like there’s absolutely no absolutes. The moment we think that there is an absolute, something breaks that, you know, it’s just why, so why waste the energy in the emotions on that type of shit? I guess that’s kind of my philosophy mainly like I’m not even gonna bullshit most time. It’s just like, I’d rather deflect from everything and not give a shit and just poke holes into it. So it doesn’t take up any real estate within me. So I can news go on my merry way and deal with my own wild shit throughout the day.

Britain    00:12:23

Oh man, I’m kind of sad. I didn’t watch that debate. Now. I’m going to have a hit on a few points where I could have seen that damn fly land on his big old white ass head.

Joel    00:12:35

I’ve only seen the meme. So…

Britain    00:12:36

I haven’t seen any of it, dude. I haven’t been on Facebook. I’ve been a ghost. Honestly, my heads been buried in creating this podcast and getting us ready for you guys to listen and read and you know, dive in our brains, see our beards, or Joel’s lack of one. Are you going to grow that out or what?

Joel    00:12:59

I don’t know man its just so uncomfortable.

Britain    00:13:00

Oh man, I’m growing my hair out, bro. Mine was uncomfortable at first too. I, I was getting some anxiety from my mustache when it was only like, [Laughter] I don’t know why. Cause there was like nothing there and it was, I hadn’t had facial hair in a long time. And when it started coming in, there’s something about my mustache was bothering me and I was at work and I started getting really like anxious over it. And then I started thinking, well, fuck I’m at work. I can’t go home and fucking shade this. And then I started like rubbing it. And I was like more self-conscious about it. And then like, dude, within 10 or 15 minutes, I’ve started like driving myself insane, like to the point where I’m about to fucking go home and shave that. And like just, I had to bury myself into work and just start ignoring it. And like eventually it took my mind off of it and got home and just pushed through it. And now I got a massive mustache, but dude, I swear early on it fucking gave me some serious anxiety. Dude. I’ve never had anxiety from facial hair for never in my life. But that was a first.

Joel    00:14:02

Ah, that’s so funny. That is the most human thing I have ever heard.

Britain    00:14:06

Yeah, dude, I am just fickle, when it comes anxiety, I can like, I feel like im the type of dude that will…

Joel    00:14:14

Uh, anything that doesn’t like go my way or that I’m not happy about. I’ll sit there and just like saying to every worst case possible scenario in the world for hours and then like being on the way home and be like, man, I’m a huge fucking idiot and just started laughing at myself. You know what I mean?

Britain    00:14:31

It seems so unhealthy.

Joel    00:14:34

I feel like that is healthier than any other way.

Britain    00:14:38

Yeah. I agree.

Joel    00:14:38

And don’t get me wrong. I’m on the other spectrum to

Britain    00:14:45

Do what now?

Joel    00:14:47

I said, like, don’t get me wrong, I’m on the other spectrum too. As far as like being overly positive, motivated, ambitious person. That’s me from like the beginning of the day until like 11 then the rest of the day, I’m just like a, stoic… asshole. It just, you know, you can just get in just getting through, but more or less.

Britain    00:15:08

It’s gotten to the point now in my age to where I’m pretty much the same dude every day. And when I have those days, it’s there all day. Like a, it’s like an underlying like stomach ache that just doesn’t go away. And it’s in the pit of my stomach and I know I do. Here’s the thing though. It’s like, I never feel it coming. I’m always fucking blindsided with my anxiety and whatever it may be bipolar. It just, these I’ve got Tourette’s syndrome as well. And I was diagnosed with that at a young age. I’m sure you probably didn’t even know that, but I was going through my mom’s stuff and I’ve got all this. Huh?

Joel    00:15:47

You’ve always been so normal.

Britain    00:15:49

I hide the shit out of that. And that’s probably very unhealthy and is probably where a lot of that anxiety has come from. But in my older age, I’ve learned to accept it, embrace it. Hell, Harmony loves that. She’s like when you get going, your motor ticks start going off, you start clapping and fucking Hootin’ and hollerin’. And it just all a fart noises and goofy noises and cuss words and all this shit you do. And I mean, that is a trade-off. I mean, I have my…

Joel    00:16:13

I really just took that as your personality though.

Britain    00:16:16

I mean, yeah, it is. But, I mean.

Joel    00:16:18

That’s how you’ve always been.

Britain    00:16:19

Well yeah.

[Laughter]    00:16:20

Joel    00:16:21


Britain    00:16:23

Yeah. A lot of that I think is the Tourette’s I think a lot of that is the motor ticks and stuff like that, but at a young age the ticks we’re a lot more, um, more prevalent, but now I’ve kinda got it to where its quiet, like they’re in my body or my hands or fidgets or grunts and stuff like that. It was never like arm clapping or twitching or, um, or cussing. It was always more of the motor tick. Very ADD-ish. What was your question? Sorry.

Joel    00:16:53

Nah, I was wondering like, um, so is that diagnosis at an early age? What led you into like, cause when I first met you, you were like diehard and working with, uh, I don’t know, the politically correct term to call them now, but like an autistic kids and stuff in high school.

Britain    00:17:10

Yeah, honestly. Yeah. Um, I think that came with, uh, the girl I was with at the time, my daughter’s mother and then, um, coupled with also just feeling normal there and uh, the teachers, of course that ran that class. It was called C.B.E. Community Based Education. And the teachers that ran that always were really nice and comforting and you know, of course with a disability ill gravitate towards that.

Joel    00:17:38

Yeah. That was always so funny. Cause like during the day you’d be doing that. And then at night you’d be a little fucking minion with the rest of us.

Britain    00:17:45

Right. I would even I was even in the behavior classes with Cr. Oop, I probably shouldn’t even say that guy’s name, but uh, um, we had that certain class that they would like, it was a, it was only like nine kids and it was in a certain classroom and the science wing kind of away from everybody else. So we were there for like however many blocks a day that you weren’t allowed to be in other classrooms. That’s where you’d be.

Joel    00:18:12


Britain    00:18:13

So we would be in there. I was only in there half days, um, for a year or two. And then when I was able to, uh, uh, toward the latter years of, my high school career, I was able to co-op so I was only at school, a half a block anyways. Uh, it got to the point where they basically were like, look, we like you. Um, we think you’re a bright kid, but like every, every third year they’re like every 31 days they were like, you cause enough chaos to make up for the last 30. And we’re like, you just gotta get outta here. So they kind of just did whatever I needed to like bare minimum to get by. I didn’t take any foreign language to graduate and you had to have so many credits. I never ended up doing that. Um, my classes…

Joel    00:18:58

I’ve taking so many Spanish classes over the years and still don’t know fucking thing.

Britain    00:19:03

Dude, I haven’t taken any. And I feel like I can tell a lot of what they’re saying just by the emotion and their body language. And I have no idea what they’re saying, but you know how some Spanish words, yeah, well some Spanish words actually sound like the word in English. If not spelled the same

Joel    00:19:22

I didn’t mean to get us off on a tangent or anything. I was just…

Britain    00:19:25

Oh no, you’re good and I don’t mind letting our listeners and you know, a little bit about me. Um, but yeah, I honestly feel like a lot of that anxiety and shit that I have is from suppressing some, you know, things from my childhood and also motor ticks and different things like that. But we all struggle. We all have our own things that make us, us and unique. And like you said, you just always thought that was me. Well, it always has been so right you are. Um, but now it’s no tangent. I think it’s a good therapeutic for me to talk about it. That’s definitely not something I’ve ever like lead with or even really talk about, but it’s made dude, I love it. And I embrace it and I get excited. I clap and I yell hoot and I holler when I’m nervous and fidgety, especially early in the morning, I’ll grunt. It’ll be like, like throat clears, like, you know, things like that. You know, a lot of throat clears and like you think I had allergies or something.

Joel    00:20:20

Yeah I do a lot of shit like that, but it’s not just me, me and fucking weird. And I think it’s important for us as people to understand, you know, our weird idiosyncrasies and just accept them and laugh.

Britain    00:20:34

Absolutely dude. I think it’s beautiful. It makes people unique, um, where you lack. And one thing I think you probably pick up in another and know you can definitely exploit certain things. Uh, that’s one thing that the Kybalion has taught me reading that, um, you know, for example today, um, we didn’t get to do quite what we wanted to do, but here we are still doing what we love. So there’s an ebb and flow of everything. The pendulum’s not quite swinging in our favor or in our direction, Joel, but we are making the best of that. And I guarantee you, both of us realized that that pendulum, like it’s not swinging our way, will be swinging our way. So we are kind of just waiting or riding that out and you make the best of what situation you can. And, um, like I said, certain things that I’ve read and parts of life that you kind of pick up along the way and just make you okay with things. And, this is part of it.

Joel    00:21:28

Oh yeah, I mean, it’s very similar to stoicism and that’s kind of a, I don’t really have, I don’t care how many people listen. I don’t care what the outcome of it is. It’s, it’s fun to do. It gives us an opportunity to learn more about other people. And I am dead serious on this idea of just finding random strangers to interview. Cause I think that’d be absolutely hilarious. Yeah.

Britain    00:21:50

Yeah. Um, I don’t know if we’ve even talked about that yet, but what’s going on dive into that idea a little bit since you’re that serious about it. Um, let’s go on and pencil it in and try and come up with a segment. Um, what we discussed is segment of Beard and Brain, whether it be an entire episode or a piece of an episode here and there where we contact and talk to people, random people, all over the world, um, pen pals, people in jail, prison, whatever dude, just random people we don’t know and just try and have a conversation with them, see what they’re doing, why they’re doing it and where they’ve been and where they’re going.

Joel    00:22:33

The end goal will be to reach someone inside of a ghoulag. And then, once we reach that person, we will stop the segment.

[Laughter]    00:22:40

Britain    00:22:45

That would be very interesting. I’d like, I’d love to go in and just talk to some folks, in uh, you know, and in a nursing home, somebody that may don’t, you know, may not have the family that can come in. Keep their brain active and…

Joel    00:22:59

Even if it’s super, super crazy. I want to talk to that person because I bet that will be a blast.

Britain    00:23:06

I mean, anything really, you never know some of the most-bland and like on the surface, like quiet and innocent people are probably the most-wild fucking people in the world. You know?

Joel    00:23:16

Have you seen that movie Bubba Ho-Tep? Like I want to meet those people in a nursing home. Like, one better believe he’s Elvis. Another should be like a black JFK cat and they’re overthrowing some mummy trying to suck the souls out of asses or some shit. Like I want to meet those people inside nursing homes.

Britain    00:23:36

Ah, how the fuck did I miss that movie?

Joel    00:23:40

It’s uh old Bruce Campbell movie, but it’s so great.

Britain    00:23:42

I know it how the fuck did I missed that movie. I mean 2003?

Joel    00:23:48

It’s not good, but this story in concept, is just great.

Britain    00:23:53

That’s ridiculous. Well, it being October. Uh, have you done any Halloween movies or anything like that? You plan on watching that stuff as your daughter, y’all, y’all like to do any of that.

Joel    00:24:06

So my daughter has been into it for years. Like, uh, she’s always been watching horror movies with me.

Britain    00:24:11

Oh, same.

Joel    00:24:12


Britain    00:24:13

My daughter is all into a Tim Burton

Joel    00:24:16

Over time. Like I have probably a thousand DVDs right now am a majority of them are horror movies, but for the last like two or three years, I haven’t been watching a lot of horror. I watch a lot of, uh, like documentaries and like sappy, fucking anime’ and shit.

Britain    00:24:40

Yeah. I don’t, either. I don’t watch a lot of horror movies. The only reason you’re going to see me watch a horror movie is because it’s October. And I say horror, like classic, like in a classic sense, I’m not going to watch anything gore. I’m really choosy anymore, man. And I mean, you can call it what you want, but I’m really choosy it. What I allow my eyes to see. And I, um, in 31 years man.

Joel    00:25:05


Britain    00:25:07

Yeah, in 31 years. I’m-a be real with you, man. I’ve seen enough shit to where I don’t have to watch the fucking TV to see some painful stuff, man. Um, yeah, I’m not going to go into detail man, but even here recently in the last couple of years, I’ve seen enough. I’ve been through enough. I don’t need anything like that, man. Life is a, you know, especially for some other people out there going through some hard shit, life is enough, you know, horror show, you know, some people are living the fucking American horror story. Um, but I I’m very blessed to have what I have. So I don’t choose to put stuff like that in my head, like willingly, because I know there’s people out there that are subjected to that daily and, and certain abuses and stuff. So blood and gore was cool when I was in high school, I’ve been there, done that. Um, if it’s, uh, somebody I respect or want to watch or a story I really want to see or something like that and it’s worth it, then you know, I’m going to watch it, you know, everything in a balance of course, but as above, so below man, what you watch and what you put upstairs was you’re going to feel in your heart and you’re going to, you’re going to carry that around with you day to day. And you’re up to free will of course. But I still think that that, that plays a, uh, uh, plays a role in your psyche.

Joel    00:26:17

Well, man, and I think there’s everything cyclical. I mean, you know, and so the whole like idea of a Katabasis and you know, you more hero’s journey, whatever you want to call it. So you go through different phases and then you complete the cycle of phases and then that dies off and you stop start from beginning. Like I did the horror thing for very long time because it identified with kind of what I embraced, which was like dark bullshit, I guess. And I still enjoy horror movies to fucking death. Like I just love the goofy ones like that Deathgasm and shit like that. Like you kill somebody with a dildo, we’re friends, I can dig it. But as far as like, just that phase I went through and then I went through like my warrior phase and you know, I’ve, I’ve gone through another dark phase, I guess like that, but I’m just at the point now where I don’t take things very serious. I don’t take life very serious, I just do my best every day to be the most optimal human I can. And you know, some nights we had like, its Halloween times, I’m going to watch horror movies just because it’s tradition for me. Sometimes I’ll watch out. Sometimes I’ll watch some sappy animated movie or some shit, and then other nights I’ll watch nothing. So it’s not, to me, it’s not about anything definitively, uh, it’s just, you know, you all go through different phases and you go through different things and wherever you feel in the moment is right. And that’s all that matters.

Britain    00:28:00

I agree. Um, I’m definitely trying to live more in the moment I, you know, and I have that fucking problem. I’m trying to live in the moment, the right way. I live in the moment all the time. And that’s a problem for me. I can’t remember nothing, dude. I don’t remember shit.

Joel    00:28:11

If you live in the moment how are you gonna do it the right way?

Britain    00:28:15

I don’t know, balance it out a little more because dude, I’ve been doing a little too much. I think it’s like I’m constantly live in the moment. So if you constantly in the moment, how the fuck you going to know where the hell you were, what you’re, where you are right now and where you’re going. Does that make sense? Like I’m always in the moment.

Joel    00:28:34

… and one thing over the last year I’ve gained and now it’s like, I guess the best way to describe your mindset is like, I have audacious goals for the next 10 years of my life. Right? And those are goals that no matter what, in five years I’ll be at this point in 10 years, I’ll be at this point, you know, in my mind, there’s nothing that will ever convince me otherwise, as far as those. So in the meantime, in the short term, say six months to a year, I just said kind of like parameters that, you know, would this time I should be here. And when this time I should be there and there’s little shit, but by doing that it to my angle and because of this kind of system, I don’t truly worry about, you know, where I’m at presently and where I’m going to be. It’s I just know that, you know, I’m not a fuck up in the meantime, but as long as I’m on track to meet my small kind of benchmarks and I’m good in the future. So that’s why I don’t take a lot of shit seriously.

Britain    00:29:47

Yeah. I have my set of goals, short term and long term, and I’ll allow myself enough flexibility and a room to change those goals as I see fit, um, depending on where I’m at and what I actually want, because honestly, sometimes what I want changes. So…

Joel    00:30:07

No, I hear ya. I might sure it changes probably every four days.

Britain    00:30:12

Yeah. Mine sticks a little longer than that, couple years. But then when I get tired of something or I get on something I’m really tired of it or I’m really on it.

Joel    00:30:22

No, I hear you.

Britain    00:30:24

But I’m, I’m going to go a little off topic, but kind of stay on the overall subject we’ve been on. We kind of stayed on a, an arts with music and not really music and movies. And shit liked that. And also self-help with talking about, you know, a little bit of therapy, anxiety, and my, you know, my disability or one of a few that I think I have, I know for sure I have to Tourette’s, ADHD, you know, things that I’ve actually been diagnosed with half paperwork on. And there’s a few other things that I think that I probably have a little bit of a bipolar and some things like that, but, uh, I’m having trouble lately and I’m sure that some of our listeners have had, this are going to have it or are currently having it. But, uh, with the winter coming in summer faded out falls basically in full fledge right now I’m having trouble with motivation in the gym. And I don’t really think that it’s motivation mentally. I think it’s my body physically or emotionally it’s coming somewhere else. Cause mentally I’m like, yeah, I’m ready to do it. I’ll pencil the time in. And then, you know, I just kind of relax into my day and you know, I know how to not stress myself or push myself too hard. And I kind of allow myself to fall back in this role. But I think emotionally or physically, I’m not really feeling it. And there’s some other things going on. You got any insights of what that might be or, or any ways that I can push myself to get back in the gym and start that three, four or five day routine that really sets off that, that fire to, to get healthy again. Cause I like, again, I’ve been going, I’ll wrap this up. I’ve been going and I’ve had a routine, but of just recently since the season change.

Joel    00:32:04

So my whole idea on that is man, it’s like the emotional and all that shit sucks. But ultimately that’s just you tricking yourself into not doing it. And I’m like the type of person I believe in just motivation is shit. Discipline is everything. So..

Britain    00:32:26

Just fucking go.

Joel    00:32:29

Yeah, for example, if you know, if you go for 10 minutes, man, that’s enough. You’re, you know, you do that enough times your brain to be like, all right, now that im used to comin’ in the gym. Now I’m going to put more time it. Um, and you know, and if you’re having an issue to where, if you’re, you know, doing it after work or something like that, and you’re just too tired after work or too much anxiety, too much shit going on in the head. I understand that. That’s why I can’t do it in the evenings. That’s why, you know, I wake up so early and I do it in the morning. Even if it’s for 30 minutes, I just do something to get my body active. You don’t even have to go to the gym and like do a shit. And do, you know, fifty, a hundred pushups and body weight squats and some jumping rope. And that’s enough.

Britain    00:33:11

I think a little cardio or something early in the morning, cold air, maybe get up, go to work, go run.

Joel    00:33:20

You know, I spent many, many years on learning, like how to replicate habits of high performing successful people. And that’s why I was able to do a lot that I’ve been able to do. And the number one thing that sticks with everybody is they have their kind of morning routine and they spend that first hour or two hours a day priming their body and their mind for the day. And that’s, you know, if you’re journaling and you’re meditating and doing something active, um, people go to other extreme to, you know, cold showers and shit like that. But it’s really important to, you know, the first 30 minutes of your day, try and get 25 grams protein in you and do some pushups, do some body weight squats, do some stretching, something to get your blood flow going. So then that way, you know, you’re in your absolute prime when you first wake up and you’re ready for your day.

Britain    00:34:14

Right. I agree because that was the routine I’ve always been in. I’m an early bird I get up in the morning, but, um, and I’ve even critiqued my diet. I’ve gained weight. I’ve gained muscle mass. I’m, I’m doing what I want to do as far as my goals. But what I think I have trouble with is with the season change they affect me. Season changes always have and always will affect me. I can’t really tell if they’re getting worse with my age or if they’re getting easier, but im always affected by season change. And that’s, what’s given me a hard time right now.

Joel    00:34:49

When it comes to the discipline itself, whether it be diet, whether it be going to the gym, whether it be doing anything, that’s going to improve yourself and put yourself in difficult situation to improve yourself. You have to immediately, when that emotion comes in, you give yourself five seconds, change your mindset and be like, “Nope, I may feel like that, but fuck that this needs to get done”. You know, there’s a, I forget the doctor that did that, but that whole five second rule where if you have some type of negative side or some type of negative mindset, make sure you catch yourself within those five seconds, change it and do the opposite and move forward the way you’re going to do it.

Britain    00:35:30

Five second rule. I like that. So again, the five second rule, as soon as I’m that thought. Yeah, we’ll call it that for now. We’ll even put it down in the, uh, transcript or podcast bio, if I need to, just so that, uh, listen,

Joel    00:35:47

Even explain to me further, like it’s, as far as, you know, waking up early in the morning, it’s not hitting the snooze button, you know, make it a mental kind of note, as soon as that alarm goes off, cause your sales five seconds to get up. And then he, as long as you stick to it, you’re not going to hit that fucking snooze button. You’re just going to get up and get your shit done. I’ve subscribed for years, I have to have at least three hours every morning before my work shift in order to be able to cope for at least half the fucking day. And it’s just that time. So, you know, no phone calls, no Facebook, no Instagram, no nothing. It’s just you writing, you meditating, you working out or whatever it takes for you to kind of get yourself straight for the rest of the day. Cause that’s going to be your most prime optimal state.

Britain    00:36:37

Yeah, they do call it the five second rule. “The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within five seconds or your brain will stop you”. So don’t allow yourself the time to stop and fuck you up. Basically, just kind of jump in there and possibly yeah. Well, good thing. I’m always impulsive. I think the thing that you touched on that really stood out to me with this gym, that’s really going to help. There’s two things that I’m pulling out of this conversation. I’m finding very beneficial with you. But one thing I’m finding the most beneficial is the fact that you said, just go for 10 minutes. I am so hard on myself and I’m so fucking stubborn that I have to go and do this certain set routine that I’ve been doing or go and do whatever it is I need to do that day or would normally be doing that day and do it to the fullest. Like I had just always been doing it. And you’re saying, no, just ease back into it. And at least walk into the gym, pick something up and then leave, you know, was the fact that you did it and you got there maybe tomorrow you’ll do more. But the fact that you got in there, you didn’t allow yourself to fall in that I vibe with.

Joel    00:37:43

And what I do with that honestly, I fucking punished myself for those types of instances. Like say like I pay, like I had to be, I started my work around nine o’clock. Can I give me a little late? So if I don’t make it to the gym til 8:20 or 8:30, because I dropped my kid off late or something like that and no one want me, I’m a 20 minutes. A lot of times I’ll determine me away from it. So what I’ll do in those types of situations, if I know that I’ve even reduced, the time that I ideally want to work out is I’ll punish myself by doing cardio because I went from not eating and doing cardio and being ripped to now not giving a fuck and just, you know, keeping my body optimal. So what I’ll do is I don’t do cardio anymore. Anytime. I only have like, you know, 10, 15, 20 minutes to work out, I’m like, all right, you’re just going straight to the treadmill or this they’re separate or whatever, for that amount of time, if that’s what do whatever it takes, as long as you get your body moving, get your heart rate up, you’re fine.

Britain    00:38:42

I’m going to do that whenever I, uh, whenever I wake up, I’m going to make a new routine in the morning. After I do my meditation and get my water in and everything. I’m going to go for a run, get a nice cold run in, in the morning and get going because I’ve been pretty good about it. I do sometimes I’ll eat a half a dozen eggs in the morning and that’s well over 30 grams of protein or that 25 you were talking about.

Joel    00:39:10


Britain    00:39:10

Yeah, dude, whatever I smash, I’ll smash. Then I won’t eat the rest of the day.

Joel    00:39:16

I buy optimum nutrition whey protein with oats and it’s like 200 calories, 30 grams of carbs, 30 grams of protein. So it’s just enough to fill up your macro nutrients when you first wake up and while you’re…

Britain    00:39:33

Like is that a shake or something like I’m trying to go with substance, I’m trying to actually eat my diet and make sure I eat. Like, non-GMO pretty decent shit. Like I know it sounds so like fucking hipsterish, but like I would rather eat than eat fucking nasty food.

Joel    00:39:50

No, I understand completely. I mean, it’s honestly the better route to go. And in that instance, you know, it’s basically this, if it’s the size of your fist and protein and you’re pretty good.

Britain    00:40:00

Yeah. Yeah. See, I like to eat a lot of protein, like a high protein, high, fat diet early on in the morning and then burn that off. And then like in the evening he sent me a little bit lighter. I love salads and sandwiches, soups and shit like that. But here recently, like I didn’t need this in high school, middle school, even in my college years at any meet. And uh, and I didn’t, I don’t never ate them a lot, but now dude, now I’m crushing. Like it ain’t nothing for me to use a 16 to 20 ounce steak.

Joel    00:40:33

Yeah. I would say maybe I went vegan for a year and then I did raw for like six months.

Britain    00:40:40

Whoa…How was raw man, tell me a little bit about raw.

Joel    00:40:42

The shitty thing about eatin’ raw is you have to eat so much just to get like, cause I was in the, like the physique comp type space. So in order to hit your macros, you know, at that time I probably had a BMR, roughly 1600 calories and then cutting and everything else. So just, just use 1500 calories as an example to eat that raw is just so much, you’re talking like a salad the size of like a watermelon is 500 calories as far in, you know, you, nothing can be cooked over like 110 degrees or something like that. So it was just like during the time I was vegan and during the time I was raw, I have way more natural energy, more or less, because I was like a ketosis all the time. But at the same time, like I had to eat so much to hit my macro nutrient levels and my calories, calorie levels and whatnot. So when I finally switched back to me, like, like I’ve been essentially doing a carnivore for the last month and I have lost some weight to it and I’m still keeping my strengths and I like it, but I still eat quite a bit of vegetables.

Britain    00:42:01

Dude. I honestly don’t really eat a lot of anything. I know it sounds crazy, but my entire life, I have not really eaten much this past year. It was the only time I can remember since maybe middle school that I’ve actually gained weight. Never lost any, either a main, but I actually, I gained 16 pounds and I’m 144 pounds always been like 130 dude, like 120.

Joel    00:42:34

Yeah, I varied I went from 130 to 200 to one 150. Now I’m at like one 180, but you gotta remember to eat. Even if you don’t eat a lie, you need to, at the basic minimum is to…

Britain    00:42:49

Get my pyramid, bro. I get that. I get what I need and that’s it. I’m in and out a burn it off at the end of the day and I’m done, you know what I’m saying? I don’t get too much of anything.

Joel    00:43:01

Make sure you’re hitting your calorie level make sure your hitting your macro nutrients. And as long as you do those things.

Britain    00:43:05

And it’s surprisingly not a lot, but at the same time, it’s surprisingly more than I thought on some. And so, you know, I got to eat a lot more meat than I thought I had to, but then again, it wasn’t as hard to get, you know, the rest of your vitamins and nutrients in, and you can supplement here in there, but I never want to supplement with like protein or anything. I would rather just eat it like naturally. I don’t wanna’ fuck my digestive system up for my, you know, I don’t want to do any of that. Its fucking bug me out.

Joel    00:43:36

Hey man, that’s honestly the best route to do. I have experimented with dozens and dozens of supplements. I’ve done PAG stacks where you’re taking like 12 vitamins at a time, three or four times a day. Um, you know, I’ve done it all and you do get results from it, but you get the same thing from food. Like now I don’t even really look at my diet. I just make sure I don’t eat like shit. And I almost always hit you know my levels and what-not, and don’t really need many supplements or what-not. But if you’re trying to get to a certain point, if you’re trying to absolutely optimize how your metabolism works or optimize how much you lose fat or gain muscle or anything like that. Yeah. Supplements are amazing for that. Just make sure you’re doing it appropriately.

Britain    00:44:31

Right, and, uh, of course always talk to a professional or doctor. This is beard X brain where you’re brain and beard and theory and conversationalists, were not your fucking doctor. So this is an official, like actual medical advice. These are just kind of recommendations of where to start, what to pay attention to maybe even do your research on, but uh, always consult a doctor before changing a diet drastically. You know, it could be on medicines or something like that. You fuck.

Joel    00:45:03

We’re not doctors and we don’t play ones on the internet.

Britain    00:45:07

Nope. Just in the bedroom.

Joel    00:45:13

Well, man.

Britain    00:45:16

Anything else that you want to maybe add wrap this one up? Unfortunately we’ve kind of had a weird day, but we’ll turn it around and kind of hopefully give some content here and next week, get, uh, get her back in here again. I don’t want to give y’all too much right now because uh, it’s going to be a great episode when we get the, the bugs worked out here, but such as life, do you have anything to add Joel?

Joel    00:45:42

No man. That’s it. That’s us rambling for 45 minutes.

Britain    00:45:47

Yep. Hopefully you all got something out of that.

Joel    00:45:51

Haha, maybe.

Britain    00:45:52

No, that wasn’t what we exactly wanted to do, but you know what? We’re going to be coming back with some good shit and we appreciate her body. Yeah. We appreciate everybody listening to our podcast. Thank you for being here on Beard and Brain podcast.

Joel    00:46:07


[Outro]    00:46:09

We have before us, the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle governs the conduct of nations when we are successful. And we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United ]Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN.